The Operational Technology (OT) Zero Trust Alliance was formed by:

A group of cybersecurity solution providers seeking to accelerate the deployment of comprehensive Zero Trust solutions.

We have built a coalition of Zero Trust focused on solving the biggest challenges for OT networks worldwide. Our solutions have been proven in real-world deployments, and we are actively working to scale and standardize ZTNA interfaces to enable flexible service adaptation for the many industries that rely on OT networks.

Our Mission

Our Mission

We Protect and Defend OT Networks. 

Our Vision

Our Vision

A world where OT networks operate securely, generating power, transporting water and wastewater, producing fuel, and manufacturing the goods and materials needed to supply modern society.

Our Solution

Our Solution

Frustrate OT cyber attackers at every stage of cybersecurity: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

Our Tenets

OT is not IT

OT networks do not have the same cybersecurity needs as IT networks.

Zero trust is a moving target

Solutions must dynamically adapt to the changing cybersecurity landscape.

Different OT customers / industries have different needs

Oil & Gas OT networks have different challenges and requirements than government / defense.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution

No single vendor can provide a comprehensive or ideal Zero Trust solution.

Good Zero Trust solutions are modular

Good Zero Trust solutions are modular and adapt to the user's needs as they evolve and change.

There is no Remote Access today, there is just access

It’s irrelevant where the user, device, workload, or data exists in today’s OT networks. 

OT is not IT

OT networks do not have the same cybersecurity needs as IT networks.

Zero trust is a moving target

Solutions must dynamically adapt to the changing cybersecurity landscape.


Top 10 OTZTA Principles

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